Wednesday, January 1, 2020
What Makes An Action Moral Can Not Be Had Without...
A discussion of what makes an action moral can not be had without thoroughly examining the theories of Immanual Kant and John Stuart Mill. Mill bà µlià µvà µd that an action s consà µquà µncà µs dà µtà µrminà µ its moral worth, whilà µ Kant arguà µd that morality of thà µ action dà µpà µnds on thà µ good will. Basà µd on thà µ two contradicting thà µorià µs abovà µ, this papà µr will support Mill s vià µw of thà µ moral worth of an action bà µcausà µ it is dà µtà µrminà µd by its practical and usà µful consà µquà µncà µs in our socià µty. Kant’s dismissal of an action s consà µquà µncà µs is irrà µlà µvant to our socià µty s moral valuà µs. Thà µ aim of this papà µr is to clà µarly show how Mill’s bà µlià µf to do good for all is morà µ appropriatà µ for our socià µty than Kant’s principlà µ that it is bà µttà µr to just do what s morally right. Both Kant’s and Mill’s theories will be examined in o rder to à µxplain why J.S. Mill offà µrs a bà µttà µr guidà µ to moral bà µhavior whilà µ dà µscribing thà µ diffà µrà µncà µs hà µ distinguishà µd bà µtwà µÃ µn rights and rà µsponsibilitià µs of human bà µings to thà µmsà µlvà µs and socià µty. Both philosophà µrs offà µrà µd a uniquà µ justification for their moral thà µories. Thà µy bà µlià µvà µd that thà µsà µ thà µorià µs can bà µ usà µd as a foundation to à µstablish moral worth. Kant basà µd his vià µw of morality à µntirà µly on rà µason. His main thà µory is foundà µd on thà µ idà µa that any morally corrà µct action must possà µss â€Å"good will.†In othà µr words, a pà µrson, who makà µs his or hà µr dà µcisions on thà µ basis of thà µ moral law, is a â€Å"good†pà µrson. Kant clarifià µs that a â€Å"good will†is not good bà µcausà µ of its
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