Thursday, September 3, 2020
Mark Twains Creative Writing Process
Imprint Twain fills his books with full of feeling humor and scholarly greatness. The exploration centers around Mark Twain’s utilization of silliness convinces the perusers to complete the whole novel. The examination incorporates instances of Mark Twain’s imaginative virtuoso. Imprint Twain. inventively wove the books to bring the genuine issue of bigotry to the readers.Advertising We will compose a custom article test on Mark Twain’s Creative Writing Process explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Mark Twain, Samuel Clemens, all things considered, rose to composing fame with his books Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. Imprint Twain’s innovatively composed books utilizing the funniness scholarly style. His story entitled â€Å"The Adventures of Tom Sawyer†was an innovative novel dependent on Mark Twain’s childhood years living in Hannibal . Imprint Twain designed two of the Tom Sawyer characters after his two genuine classmat es, John Briggs and Will Bowen. Moreover, Mark Twain made a spin-off of the Tom Sawyer story, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Imprint Twain put together the Huckleberry story with respect to Mark Twain’s youth closest companion, Tom Blankenship. Imprint Twain imaginatively composed a third well known novel entitled â€Å"The Prince and the Pauper†. The third book didn't have as much approval and well known interest as Mark Twain’s initial two perfect works of art, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn story at last launch Mark. Twain, as one of America’s untouched eminent journalists. Sharon Rush underlined (Rush 10) Mark Twain imaginatively addressed the genuine subject of racial segregation during his time. The Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn stores focused the maltreatment of the African Americans. Imprint Twain’s books inventively centered around the significant issue of racial bonda ge that was typical in the American people group during Mark Twain’s time. The Huckleberry Finn story included Mark Twain’s genuine examination on profound and suffering real factors of American bigotry. Thusly, Mark Twain’s two books are obligatorily remembered for the American instructive educational plan. The incorporation concentrated on drawing out the real factors of racial segregation of the pre-common war days to the four dividers of the homeroom condition. Bigotry thrived in the United States from 1870s to 1960s. Imprint Twain inventively wrote in the Huckleberry Finn epic Huckleberry’s hilarious voice â€Å"a dissentering minister†. Imprint Twain put together the sentence with respect to the Wilks scene that oddly shut with disinterring a corpse.Advertising Looking for article on american writing? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Victor Doyno (68) emphasized one ought to think abo ut taking a gander at interviews with or messages by the creator that depict their imaginative procedure. Imprint Twain’s composing, particularly on the Huckleberry Finn tale, included flashes of imaginative verbal mind, topics, and plot spasms. Imprint Twain conceded he permitted silliness to drop in or remain out as indicated by his dispositions. In any case, he fitted the cleverness circumstances to fill the tasteful prerequisites of Mark Twain’s books. Imprint Twain deliberately added funniness to the genuine racial scenes to separate his characters on the psyches of the energetic perusers. Imprint Twain regularly incorporated the cleverness part of his books when altering began. Imprint Twain wanted to fiddle with expressions of diversion to zest up the novel’s superbly woven stories. For instance, Huckleberry Finn says â€Å"†¦and the lord permitted he would drop over to ‘tother town, with no plan†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . There is no such word in the Eng lish language as ‘tother. This is one of Mark Twain’s imaginative virtuoso at work. Imprint Twain ceaselessly reexamined his unique draft of the Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn epic s to catch the readers’ enthusiasm to peruse on until the last page. Imprint Twain was fruitful in this undertaking. The achievement is nailed to imaginatively intertwining humor into the sections of Mark Twain’s perfect works of art. Albert Bigelow Pain remarked Mark Twain’s inventive virtuoso demonstrates his superb memories that incorporated a climatic pertinence to American slave history. Such history is a piece of Mark Twain’s youth memoir. Michael Kiskis (113) referenced Mark Twain’s experimental writing process incorporates creative mind ruled by memory with sprinklings of making subtleties to unfurl the real factors of prejudice to the novel perusers. Imprint Twain’s propensity for subtleties presents the unvarnished cruelty of racial separat ion on a scholarly level. Imprint Twain’ s point was to distinctively bring the past into the novel readers’ present time all together for the perusers to feel the agonies, delights, triumphs and thrashings of the individuals of his time. Imprint Twain’s made included patches of sentences that work restoratively to bring significance and reason into a world that appeared to be illusory and unbelievable. Ken Rasmussen (220) watched Mark Twain inventively highlight Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn with various attributes. Tom Sawyer looks for consideration and the spotlight. Tom Sawyer looks for distinction. Then again, Huckleberry Finn needs to be separated from everyone else by his friendless. Tom Sawyer is imaginative and is effectively falling adoration with the young ladies of his age. Then again, Huckleberry Finn flourishes with reasonable environments.Advertising We will compose a custom article test on Mark Twain’s Creative Writing Process explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Huckleberry Finn is useful. Imprint Twain delineates Tom sawyer as a shrewd individual. Imprint Twain portrayed Tom sawyer as bowing onto unrealistic dreams. Then again, is shrewdly reasonable. For instance, Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer make a plot to safeguard Jim from his slave proprietors. Huckleberry Finn needs to save Jim by holding up until Uncle Silas Phelps is in profound rest. While dozing, Tom and Huckleberry will snatch the keys from the dozing Phelps and salvage Jim. Then again, Tom’s variant of the salvage is to go through weeks arduously re-instituting celebrated breaks read from Tom’s references. Imprint Twain unpredictably wove Huckleberry Finn’s faked demise in the novel. Huckleberry Finn inventively executed departures from his dad by not squandering any progression. Thusly, Huckleberry Finn can take numerous provisions. Huckleberry Finn deceitfully persuades everybody Huckleberry Finn’s de ad body is coasting along the Mississippi River. Bringing the getting away Jim along, Huckleberry Finn innovatively concocts new nom de plumes to guarantee the achievement of Jim’s escape. Huckleberry Finn inventively spared the Wilks sisters from the threatening King and Duke. The King and Duke are never going to budge on ransacking the Wilks sisters. Huckleberry Finn’s insight is decreased when at last surrenders to Tom’s get away from plan. Kent Rasmussen (221) Mark Twain demonstrated Huckleberry Finn’s father, Pap, on the genuine Jimmy Finn. Finn was the boozer in Mark Twain’s people group. The genuine Finn didn't have the characteristics referenced in Mark Twain’s version of Pap in the Huckleberry Finn epic. What's more, Mark Twain described Huckleberry Finn’s father as an injurious parent. Huckleberry Finn takes in an exercise from his dad â€Å"take a chicken whenever you get an opportunity, in such a case that you don't need him yourself you can undoubtedly discover somebody who will get the chicken†. Imprint Twain subtleties Pap’s appearance as around 50 years of age, having long dark oily hair, a long facial hair, a sickeningly white skin, clothes covering his outdated body, toes pointing through an opening in the person’s destroyed boots, having dark sluggard cap with the top collapsed. Notwithstanding, the sentence in the Huckleberry Finn tale shows â€Å"†¦you can simple find†¦Ã¢â‚¬ this is a genuine case of creativity.Advertising Searching for article on american writing? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More Imprint Twain deliberately caused an inappropriate syntax to keep the perusers as eager and anxious as can be as they to contemplate the substance of the purposeful substitution of effectively by the wrong simple. As a major aspect of the innovative procedure, Mark Twain remembered a pitiful scene for the prevalently diverting story. Imprint Twain incorporated the scene where the getting away from slave, Jim, convinces Huckleberry Finn not to take a gander at the victim’s face. Jim gauges some shot dead individual at the back two days preceding Jim and Huckleberry Finn’s appearance. The Huckleberry Finn novel’s part 9 shows that the dead man is Huckleberry Finn’s own dad, Pap. Harold Bloom (37) referenced Mark Twain’s imaginative virtuoso can be found in the section â€Å"†¦They terrible come up from the quarry and remained around the stile some time, and afterward went on around the nursery fence. It is amusing they had not come in, subsequen t to remaining around so†¦ †. The stanza obviously shows the character is an uneducated individual, according to an inappropriate language structure utilized. Innovative creative mind detonates with the word stile that brings a completely clear spotlight on the coming up forecast. Imprint Twain incorporates the nursery fences the making story restrains by referenced in the novel. Moreover, Stephen Railton (32) hypothesized Mark Twain imaginatively embedded the characters of the King and the Duke to carry amusement to its fullest. Imprint Twain incorporates the two wickedness characters to guarantee the accomplishment of the Huckleberry Finn tale during its stage execution. The two characters get by on exploiting their casualties. The two would control the people’s hungers. The people’s cravings included strict trimmings. In like manner, the two exploited the sadacious wants of the male crowds at paragon, or the nostalgic needs
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Imc Plan for Ups Mi Essay
Imc Plan for Ups Mi Essay Imc Plan for Ups Mi Essay IMC for UPS MI Rent-A-Book Joliette Hernandez Brandman University Standards of Marketing MKTU 301-OT1 Theresa Cummings February 23, 2013 IMC for UPS MI Rent-A-Book This Integrated Marketing Communications Plan centers around UPS’s new division, which is called UPS MI Rent-A-Book. UPS-MI Rent-A-Book was made to give a prudent course reading rental experience for all understudies inside the touching United States. This would be offered as an efficient item since we have disposed of the mediator, we have the accessible distribution center space expected to extend if necessary, in addition to the expertise so as to house every rental course reading. We would likewise have the option to offer the client a few delivery alternatives, for example, direct ground transportation, Next Day Air, Second Day Air, just as other delivery choices. We have found from essential examination that a vast lion's share of understudies have not known about UPS MI Rent-A-Book, and have understood that so as to succeed brand acknowledgment must be enhanced. We will probably ensure we incorporate ourselves inside a school student’s regular day to day existenc e, making UPS MI Rent-A-Book the attitude they have as a top priority for leasing course readings. UPS MI Rent-A-Book is a Fontana, CA based organization that permits clients to either buy books at limited costs, or to lease books with reasonable rental periods. The rental time frames accessible for our clients are 30 days, 60 days, and 90 days, with limits offered for future rentals whenever returned by their unique due dates. Lease A-Book permits understudies to lease or buy books easily, with books conveyed in about seven days. Despite the fact that UPS MI Rent-A-Book is in its second year of real business, they right now have around 200 representatives running a 24 hour activity. Our present qualities are changed, for example the way that we are a division of UPS, a delivery organization tycoon that is an industry transporting pioneer prompts having a strong money related spine to incline toward. We as of now have no physical areas on school grounds other than our working distri bution center situated in Fontana, Ca, yet our site is appealingly positioned to attract clients. Our brilliant site was intended to be easy to use and agreeable, where customers can do their perusing and shopping with the right-snap of their mouse. Our 24 hour client hot line is kept an eye on by our trustworthy client support group which can deal with any pressing issue given to them. So as to increase further information with respect to our UPS MI Rent-A-Book brand, we solicited 100 from our buying customer’s as they completed their deal to take an interest in an intentional review. Our outcomes indicated that out of the 100 overviewed that 56 of them were female, while the staying 44 were male. We additionally noticed that our outcomes indicated that about 30% reacted â€Å"no†when inquired as to whether they had ever known about this Rent-A-Book division of UPS. Being that our new UPS adventure is new, it is reasonable with regards to why it might have a low bran d acknowledgment. With College reading material costs on the ascent, â€Å"increasing at around 6 % every year, and have significantly increased from December 1986 to December 2007,†Rent-A-Book is very much arranged to lure an enormous level of the course reading rental and buying market (Longley). Target Audience Demographics: Male 41% Females 59% Ages 18-24 28% 25-34 23% 35-44 92% Children in Household: 53% Have children at home. Family unit pay: $0-50k 23% $50-100k 21% $100-150k 35% Education Level: No College: 41% College: 47% Grad School: 11% Ethnicity: Caucasian 53% African American 25% Asian 8% Hispanic 13% Other 1%  ©2013 Quantcast Corporation Showcasing Objectives: a) Maintaining or expanding our piece of the pie in the US by about 5% for the following 5 years. b) Become the market chief for rental reading material in the US by 2015.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Transformational Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Transformational Leadership - Essay Example A portion of the variables were the fast changes in innovation, an expansion in the course of items from as of late industrialized countries, expanded intensity among the contenders, estimating procedure in the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) being unpredictable, and changing business sector structures prompted a solid, unstable and serious environment in which significant changes in the association were critical. Scaling back and embracing of new sorts of business understanding were the most widely recognized changes completed. Consequently these progressions negatively affected representative strengthening and fulfillment. This broke the old social understanding that had long haul work and in return get the worker's unwaveringness (Griffin 2003, p. 1). Also, during the 1970s, we had the possibility hypothesis on initiative. The hypothesis on initiative was set up in research of practices, character, and conditions and didn't represent a few untypical highlights in pioneers (Simic 1998, p. 50). These are the reality propensities that prompted the acknowledgment of the hypothesis of transformation.Odom and Green (2003), in light of research and the examination of various lawful cases, guarantee that when the idea of transformational administration is utilized in moral difficulties that chiefs face there is less suit and preferred good outcomes over if the value-based way to deal with esteems that is normal was utilized. Inside scholastic environmental factors, because of transformational administration, educators are bound to cooperate and are seen.
Literature Review on Online Voting System free essay sample
Ensure you do comprehend this subject before you register the theme with your speaker. Your task ought to be PC composed. The referencing style to be utilized in this examination is the  style. The text style type to be utilized ought to be Arial, its size ought to be 10 and line dispersing ought to be 1. 5.  Provide a rundown of your book reference, joined as an informative supplement. The task expects you to compose a)Background on the territory of research, a limit of one page . b)Literature survey own your chose point, a limit of five pages. Your writing survey ought to be sectionalized I. e. separated into heading and sub-heading which are intelligent associated. [30 marks] The report ought to be very much organized, having a spread page, subject numbered, page numbered, list of chapters and well referencedmarks. The target of this Individual Assignment is for understudies to feature their aptitude in capacity to a)Gathering pertinent data for directing a writing audit b)Critically examine and assess accumulated data to develop writing survey c)Conclude and suggest Understudies are relied upon to compose a record on writing audit for a subject of their decision. We will compose a custom paper test on Writing Review on Online Voting System or on the other hand any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Understudy who presents this Assignment later than the cutoff time date expressed above will have marks punished. (5% of the all out imprint ordinary) †¢Print out the Assignment by utilizing Arial textual style and size of 10 by utilizing Microsoft Word. †¢You must present the work with a task spread page stapled together as accommodation. This Assignment is an individual work and it contributes 30% to your all out imprints.  The following is the imprints finding: Late accommodation = - 5% every day of your all out imprints regardless of reasons and reasons †¢Not following inquiry necessities = 0 % is granted promptly †¢Plagiarism = 0% is granted right away. †¢Let others duplicate your work = 0% is granted right away. †¢Off point work = 0% is granted right away. You are NOT permitted to work with some other understudies. †¢You are NOT permitted to cooperate to get a nitty gritty arrangement, to duplicate an answer, or to part with an answer other than your gathering †¢Do NOT let others see your work †¢If somebody cheats by utilizing your work, you will all be punished.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Aspects of Contract and Business Law Essay
Laws, agreements and customs are decides that shape our regular day to day existences. These go back for a considerable length of time. There are various components that make up a substantial agreement that can be utilized in business today, these comprise of the accompanying. Offer Offers are made to sell or purchase an item from an individual or organization. One-sided offers will be offers that apply to everybody, for example an advert in a paper. An offer must be exact, explicit and certain. With the goal for there to be an agreement then an offer should initially be set up. Rough Tops offer indoor climbing meetings to the general population whereupon they decide to acknowledge or not, contingent upon the cost. Their proposal to have indoor climbing exercises must be sure about what the client will receive as an end-result of their cash, this would be things, for example, to what extent the meetings last, what will be accessible to them and whether hardware is incorporated inside the cost. Thought Thought is the point at which an individual or organization surveys what they would escape the offer and what advantage it would be to them. So when Nick saw the banner and went to purchase another arrangement of ropes and crampons he needed to consider what might he was escaping the arrangement. He needs to hand over his money so as to get the ropes and crampons and requirements to evaluate whether it is a gainful result to him. Two Parties An agreement is between two gatherings. One agreement can't give subtleties to any longer members as it wouldn’t be sufficiently sure. All together for it is sure one agreement is kept between two gatherings. One gathering will offer an arrangement and the other party needs to think about whether to acknowledge it or not. A case of an agreement shaped between two gatherings inside the contextual analysis is Rocky Tops and Julie. This is when Julie chooses to book a square of 6 climbing exercises and signs an archive expressing that the meetings can be dropped by either herself or Rocky Tops inside 7 days’ notice. Limit So as to acknowledge an offer you should have the ability to do as such. This expects you to be over the age of 18 and in the correct perspective to complete the arrangement with full information on what you are getting into (for example you can’t be affected by liquor or medications). Rough Tops is shaped by an association among Bill and Ben. At the point when they foreseen to both make Rocky Tops into an organization the two of them had the correct ability to do as such, this implies they could settle on the choice separately to proceed with the association contract in which they are both lawfully bound to. Acknowledgment Acknowledgment is when the two gatherings consent to the terms and conditions expressed in the agreement and are both mindful that they are legitimately bound to the agreement. At the point when an individual acknowledges the offer the agreement is agreed upon. Rough Tops acknowledged a proposal from Weathering Heights as they consented to buy  £50,000 worth of gear to be dispatched and conveyed by first February 2011. They consented to the terms and conditions and the two gatherings are lawfully bound to the agreement. Correspondence Correspondence between the two gatherings should be reliable as every individual should be sure about what they are consenting to and furthermore should be kept on the up and up should anything change in the agreement. When reviewing the agreement it ought to be obviously discussed, particularly with cost. The purchaser must know about the last expense supposing that the cost included contained shrouded costs then the contact isn’t legitimate and there are reason for objection. Bill and Ben, the proprietors of Rocky Tops, needed to speak with Julie so as to reveal to her that her third exercise has been dropped. They did so 10 days before the third exercise by means of a letter. The letter expressed that in the event that she neglects to rebook inside multi week she will relinquish her cash for that meeting. Legitimateness When reviewing the contact everything expressed must be lawful. You can’t put whatever is illegal as it will make the agreement invalid. Rough Tops did this while making a deal with Julie when she needed to book a square of 6 climbing exercises. They needed to ensure that everything expressed in the agreement was all legitimate so as to forestall the agreement falling through or being indicted. Expectation At the point when an individual or organization chooses to acknowledge the agreement they should do as such with the correct goals. This implies when they sign the agreement they are really ready to complete it and are not kidding about it. This is obvious for the situation study when Rocky Tops consented to buying  £50,000 worth of gear from Weather Heights. This was an agreement that the terms were characterized by the provider. Rough Tops entered with the correct goals as they really intended to proceed with the agreement. Contextual investigation Contracts: â€Å"Bill and Ben are sharp stone climbers and wish to build up another business†Partnership contract â€Å"They intend to have their terrific opening on first March 2011 and as of now have premises confirmed†Estate operator contract â€Å"Rocky Tops have consented to buy 50,000 worth of hardware from Weather Statures to be dispatched and conveyed by first February 2011†Terms of provider contract â€Å"Rock Tops will likewise be offering guidance and exercises on their indoor climbing divider to both amateur stone climbers and the more experienced†Risk Insurance Contract â€Å"Nick sees the banner and purchases another arrangement of ropes and crampons†Deal â€Å"Julie goes to Rock Tops and books a square of 6 climbing exercises and signs an archive expressing that the meetings can be dropped by either herself or Rocky Tops inside 7 days noticeâ€
Monday, August 3, 2020
Coming Into My Own
Coming Into My Own Let me preface this post by saying: I dont think Ive figured out MIT quite yet. I think Ive definitely gotten better at being an MIT student as time has gone on, but I definitely havent gamed the system yet. That being said, this is definitely the semester in which I think Im going to do the best that Ive ever done at this school, and Im super excited for everything that I have lined up! This sort of breaks down into three parts. Classes Im super excited for my classes this semester (and for the rest of my MIT career, honestly) because Im finally done with the Course 6 foundation and header classes! This basically means that I never have to take a specific Course 6 class ever again, which Im ecstatic about, because I didnt particularly enjoy many of the required classes. Heres what my schedule looks like for this semester: look at all that empty space 6.809 (Interactive Music Systems) This class is taught by one of the founding members of Harmonix01 the guitar hero company , Eran Egozy, and its all about music and audio technology. The final project is to make a music *experience*02 im probably going to join a team making a game, typical of some sort, and its a really fun and different class from any Course 6 class Ive taken before. Joons in it with me too! 6.902 + 6.911 + 6.912 (GEL) GEL is the year long engineering leadership program for juniors, and it teaches you how to be a good leader as well as a good team player. I dont know if my leadership skills have improved significantly, but I have been thoroughly convinced that I can improve them with practice. The lab class, 6.911, is pretty fun and the engineering design class, 6.902, is the intro to design class that I need to understand the basics of being a product designer. 6.835 (Intelligent Multimodal User Interfaces) 6.835 teaches you about all different types of user interfaces and different ways that you can interact with them. Were currently learning about how computer systems interact with pen strokes, and our first assignment is to write code to analyze properties of pen strokes (like where the peaks are, where the pen is going the fastest/slowest, etc). Its pretty cool, and Im excited for the final project, which requires combining many of the different UI modalities well be learning about in the class. CMS.362 (Civic Media Collaborative Design Studio) This class is super cool and totally unlike any other class Ive taken at MIT. Its a collaboration with an architecture class to design and create stories around collectives03 think co-ops , and it requires thinking about the humanities in a way that Ive never really considered before. Im in a group called CarePod, which is an initiative by an organization my professor started to provide a cooperative, urban-scale housing solution promoting collectivized home-ownership for caregivers and quality care for elders. Plus, apparently our work will be presented at the Venice Biennale04 one of the biggest art shows in the world and our names will be in the credits?!?!? which is WACK and I didnt even know that opportunities like this were available at MIT. Im super excited to see how our project develops! 6.S898 (Democratizing AI through K-12 AI Education for All) Im sort of double dipping by taking this class. Its my PIs05 the professor who heads the lab I UROP at class and involves a project that Ive done a lot of work for as part of my UROP. But its good to get a formal look into the work Im doing, because as a UROP, I sometimes just get thrown into things and have to learn how to swim. Im hoping to create a cool project around deepfakes and internet safety in the modern day. These are all pretty different classes with different fields of material and different projects. But the one thing that ties all these classes together is that I really, really want to be in all of them. I feel like this semester is what I came to MIT for to learn a bunch of really awesome things and create so many awesome projects. Ill be working on exciting projects in literally every single class06 which was my goal, since Im probably applying to the Media Lab next year and I want them to think Im cool... , and while that will totally make the end of my semester awful, Im psyched to see the final products and be proud of all the things I had to learn to create these cool things. Jobs Some of you might remember my post from last semester about jobs. If you couldnt tell, I was very stressed last semester about not having a job in hand. Junior year is *the year*07 because its likely that you can turn the internship into a full time return offer to get an internship and I was indescribably depressed08 i may or may not have staked my entire self esteem on the concept of having a job, but thats a blog post for another time about not having a job offer lined up while all my other friends did. IAP rolled around and I was still interviewing at a few places, which we will called Companies A, B, and C09 companies A and C are both gaming companies, and company B is a not at all gaming related company . I got rejected from Company A during the first week of IAP, and spent the entirety of a Tuesday-Thursday interval crying about it. That same Thursday, I had a final round interview for Company B, which I REALLY wanted to work for10 the position was perfectly suited to my interests and i really loved the culture of the place , and I was thrilled because I nailed the interview harder than any interview Ive had this season. I didnt hear back from them for a while, which sucked, but I had another interview in that interim with Company C that I didnt really think would go anywhere11 spoiler alert, it did, and i got a final round interview while i was waiting for company B to get back to me . As I mentioned in my jobs post: I am TERRIBLE at coding interviews. Ive definitely gotten better12 there is definitely some element of practice makes perfect in coding interviews since the beginning of the year, but I still have a long way to go before I can confidently sit through a coding interview. I definitely regret not applying to more places sophomore year and going through more coding interviews just for practice, but definitely not complaining because getting an offer from PlayStation was pretty dope. On Monday, the first day of school, smack in the middle of my 7-10 class, I got rejected from that job I had really wanted. I was totally devastated and went to bed right after class really upset. I think they just wanted people will more UX design experience than I had, which is totally reasonable, but since I had done really well in the interview, I thought I had a good shot. The next day, still recovering from being depressed and upset, I had a final round interview with Company C. It was the last interview I had going for me, and was also the last interview I would probably do for the entire jobs season. That was the only consolation I had, to be honest, because I wasnt expecting to do super well on this interview. But after a lot of very kind words from the recruiter13 literally the best recruiter ive ever had or probably ever will have, she was an actual lifesaver. recruiters are so important who worked with me to get all of these interviews for Company C, I did pretty well on the coding interview despite the question being a weak point of mine, and had an amazing behavioral interview with my second interviewer. It overall went pretty well, but I didnt want to get my hopes up since I had still gotten rejected from Company B after nailing their interview. So I went about my day, reflecting on how that was my last interview for the whole year and that, at the very least, was something to be happy about. But the next day, on Wednesday night, right after fencing practice, the recruiter called me and told me that I got the job! at long last, i got to make my i got a job post on linkedin If you couldnt tell from that picture Company C was Twitch! Ill be working at their headquarters in San Francisco this summer on the Video Distribution team :) Im super excited to be back in the industry, and honestly, I think some higher power was watching out for me here in getting me this job. Although I really wanted to work for Company B, they werent a gaming company, and Im glad that I get to stick with the industry because at the end of everything, I love games and I want to contribute to their future in some way. Sidenote: Im also going to GDC14 the Game Developers Conference, the biggest game industry conference in the world! its a whole week in san francisco and ill be going to all sorts of talks and networking events and absorbing all of the amazing energy this year, which is definitely the cherry on top of all of this good news :) Im still SHOOK that I got this job everything happened really fast. I accepted the offer the day after the recruiter called me, found friends to live with within the week, and we secured our Airbnb for the summer yesterday. Less than two weeks ago, I had literally no idea that my literal last interview for the season would turn into a job. I wish I could somehow reassure myself two weeks in the past that everything would be okay. Im glad it all turned out okay. Being More Productive (or attempting to) Due to a series of coincidences15 my boyfriend got back from GTL Israel very jetlagged, but decided to utilize the jetlag to get up early every day, which therefore means that I also am forced to get up early every day when his alarm goes off , Ive been waking up at around 9 am every day this semester! Which is REALLY something for me, the quintessential night owl. But Ive been a lot more productive, and the extra two hours in the morning to cram work in is honestly pretty nice. Ive also been trying to schedule my friends into my calendar more instead of just sort of aimlessly hang out in lounges messing around. Last semester, I didnt really see a lot of my friends, which I dont think is good, but I also dont want to waste time not really productively spending time with them. So instead, Ive been going out to dinner or drinks with friends in small groups or one on one, and I feel like its been a great way to catch up, but also to explore new food places and get to know the city better. The title of this post is how I feel about this semester, and I guess about my life at this point. Im glad that I have some sort of direction that Im going in, as compared to the first few years as a student here. I literally had no idea what I was doing for the entirety of freshman and sophomore year. Im glad Ive started to figure things out and that I can contribute meaningfully to all the projects that I work on. In short, Im really excited for where this semester will take me. Stay tuned! Post Tagged ##almost ##definitely getting there ##getting there ##i'm a real boy the guitar hero company back to text ? i'm probably going to join a team making a game, typical back to text ? think co-ops back to text ? one of the biggest art shows in the world back to text ? the professor who heads the lab I UROP at back to text ? which was my goal, since I'm probably applying to the Media Lab next year and I want them to think I'm cool... back to text ? because it's likely that you can turn the internship into a full time return offer back to text ? i may or may not have staked my entire self esteem on the concept of having a job, but that's a blog post for another time back to text ? companies A and C are both gaming companies, and company B is a not at all gaming related company back to text ? the position was perfectly suited to my interests and i really loved the culture of the place back to text ? spoiler alert, it did, and i got a final round interview while i was waiting for company B to get back to me back to text ? there is definitely some element of practice makes perfect in coding interviews back to text ? literally the best recruiter i've ever had or probably ever will have, she was an actual lifesaver. recruiters are so important back to text ? the Game Developers Conference, the biggest game industry conference in the world! it's a whole week in san francisco and i'll be going to all sorts of talks and networking events and absorbing all of the amazing energy back to text ? my boyfriend got back from GTL Israel very jetlagged, but decided to utilize the jetlag to get up early every day, which therefore means that I also am forced to get up early every day when his alarm goes off back to text ?
Monday, June 22, 2020
Affirmative Action in College Admissions
Let’s Hear it For the Boys The US Department of Education reported that for Fall 2010 admission, women, on average, accounted for 56% of applicants to four-year colleges. That same year, the New York Times stated that for every 100 American women enrolled in college, there were only 77 men. Meanwhile, the National Center for Education Statistics projects that by 2020, men will represent only 41.4% of students enrolled in college. With colleges becoming increasingly concerned about gender balance on campus, has this really led to preferential treatment for men in college admissions? According to Dr. Kat, many colleges are indeed entertaining the idea of affirmative action for boys to ensure gender parity on college campuses. With a more limited pool of male applicants to draw from, some schools are admitting male applicants over women who have higher test scores, higher GPAs, or more extracurricular achievements. However, many experts claim that though the gender imbalance affects students' social lives, it doesn't impact their academic experienceâ€â€the primary reason they're at college. In fact, the research of one UCLA professor showed that on campuses with a majority of female students, the grades of both men and women were higher. Others insist that a balanced campus is a diverse campus, and intellectual discussions should include equal input from both male and female points of view. Furthermore, a balanced campus is generally seen as more appealing and can increase a school's selectivity. So what does this mean for your college admissions process? For Girls: The most selective schools are competing for the best science kids – especially girls in science and engineering. In Higher Ed Live, Eric Felix, an admissions counselor at the University of San Diego says â€Å"[Many males] that are attending college straight from high school are choosing large â€Å"flagship†public institutions. These colleges haven’t faced the same issues as smaller private/public 4-year institutions. And most engineering or technical schools have the opposite problem.†Public institutions remain mostly unaffected. In 1992, Title IX was signed into law, stipulating that public institutions cannot discriminate by gender, and that includes everything from sports to admissions. Look beyond small liberal arts colleges. A college counselor can suggest schools where the ratio is in your favor. For example, in 2007 the acceptance rate at MIT was nearly 26 percent for women and 10 percent for men. Though females who apply to MIT tend to be extremely strong candidates, if you're interested in science, math or engineering you might have a better shot than you think at getting into a highly selective school. Many schools, such as Harvard University, have a â€Å"gender-blind†admissions policy. For Boys: Look at schools that were historically female or liberal arts colleges, and see if they have majors/programs that interest you. Many of these colleges are eager to enroll more male students. Learn from the ladies. There are more qualified females in application pools because girls tend to commit to activities, demonstrate leadership, and begin their college search and applications earlier. Need a strategic action plan for high school and the college admissions process? We can help!
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Face-Negotiation Theory and Stella Ting-Toomey Essay
In the world of communication, there are many theories which describe different ways people communicate. According to Doctor Thomas Hanitzsch, an associate professor of communication at the University of Munich in Germany, â€Å"Communication Theory is an international forum publishing high quality, original research into the theoretical development of communication from across a wide array of disciplines†(â€Å"Communication Theory†). A specific communication theory that will be highlighted is the Face-Negotiation theory developed by Stella Ting-Toomey. Simply stated, Dr. Ting-Toomey suggests that conflict is a consequence of identity management on an individual and cultural level, and occurs when an individual or group’s face is threatened.†¦show more content†¦Some additional information includes, that according to â€Å"Stella Ting-Toomey’s Home on the Web,†Dr. Ting-Toomey has held major leadership roles in international communication associations and has served on more than fifteen editorial boards (â€Å"Stella†). To further explain the theory of Face-Negotiation, when Dr. Ting-Toomey suggests conflict is a consequence of identity management on an individual and cultural level, she means that culture has a significant impact in regards to identity management. One’s culture has defined ‘rules’ as to how someone is to properly interact amongst other individuals and groups, and these ‘rules’ include values, norms, beliefs and traditions. Generally, an individual would strive to adhere and follow all of their culture’s ‘rules,’ and in turn, would view another individual turning against those ‘rules’ as a threat to their overall culture or beliefs. Similarly, Dr. Ting-Toomey states that conflict can come from a clash of these ‘rules,’ a misinterpretation, or as a result of misapplying certain expectations and standards for behavio r for a given situation (Griffin â€Å"List†). The Face-Negotiation theory suggests there are three goals that any conflict will revolve around; content, relational and identity, or rather, needs, interests or goals. Based on M. Afzalur Rahim’s work, Dr. Ting-Toomey and later John Oetzel, identified eight distinct responses to conflicting situations based on an incompatibility (GriffinShow MoreRelatedFace Negotiation Theory By Stella Ting Toomey1465 Words  | 6 PagesFace-negotiation theory was developed by Stella Ting-Toomey, a professor of Speech Communication at California State University, Fullerton, who earned her Ph.D. from the University of Washington in 1981. She developed the theory after being influenced by the work of Goffman, and Brown and Levinson. Ting-Toomey (1988) states an assumption of face-negotiation theory is that â€Å"people in all cultures try to maintain and negotiate face in all communication situations.†Another assumption of the theoryRead MoreThe Theory Was Introduced By Stella Ting Toomey914 Words  | 4 PagesïÆ'Ëœ The theory was introduced by Stella Ting Toomey in 1985, a professor of human communication at California State University. ïÆ'Ëœ It states about the careful and imaginative administration of passionate dissatisfactions because of social or ethnic gathering enrollment character contrasts. ïÆ'Ëœ Negotiating is the to convince people around them to the point they need. ïÆ'Ëœ Negotiation doesn’t mean arguing or creating the point we like. It’s a discussion between people creating an agreementRead MoreFace Negotiation Theory4242 Words  | 17 PagesBn Stella Ting-Toomey 2011 Face-Negotiation Theory: Research and Assessment Stella Ting-Toomey 2011 Face-Negotiation Theory: Research and Assessment Face-Negotiation Theory: Research and Assessment Roberta Beauty Redding University of Louisiana at Lafayette Professor Philip Auter CMCN 384 March 27, 2011 Face-Negotiation Theory: Research and Assessment Roberta Beauty Redding University of Louisiana at Lafayette Professor Philip Auter CMCN 384 March 27, 2011 Face-Negotiation Theory: ResearchRead MoreAn Analysis of American – Chinese Movie ‘Saving Face†by Using Face Negotiation Theory1939 Words  | 8 PagesAn analysis of American – Chinese movie ‘Saving face†by using Face Negotiation Theory Table of contents Face Negotiation Theory 2 An application of face-negotiation theory in the movie â€Å"Saving face†(2004) 3 Advantages and disadvantages of face theory 6 Conclusion 7 References 8 The term â€Å"face-negotiation theory†was first introduced by Stella Ting-Toomey, a Professor of Human Communication Studies at California State University, in 1988 based on amazing works of Goffman in 1955Read MoreJeremy Lin s Cultural Identity1961 Words  | 8 PagesAmericans; however Ting Toomey and Jackson’s identity theory’s show that this actually resulted in Lin becoming a free agent trying to renegotiate his identity by joining a different culture. The theories of Stella Ting Toomey and Ronald L. Jackson II provide relevant and important ways of looking at identity and the shifting changes in identity that will be referenced throughout this paper. These theories include contracts, the five dialectics, negotiation, and power in relation to negotiation. JacksonRead MoreThe Uncertainty Reduction Theory And The Face Negotiation Theory1756 Words  | 8 PagesDuring the course of this paper two communication theories will be reviewed and analyzed. The two theories will first be introduced, followed by comparing and contrasting the implications, assumptions and concepts of both theories. The two communication theories that have been chosen are the Uncertainty Reduction Theory and the Face Negotiation Theory. The theories were not chosen randomly, they were chosen because they both deal with how individuals perceive one another, as well as themselves, inRead MoreThe Second Hofstede Cultural Dimension Compared : Individualism Vs. Co llectivism1643 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"Saving Face†is typically more prevalent than in personal interactions. In 1985, Stella Ting-Toomey†developed â€Å"Face Negotiation Theory†which explains how cultural difference in people influence their management of inevitable conflicts (â€Å"Face Negotiation Theory†). It seems logical that â€Å"Facework†is closely correlated with cultural context (Figure 3). As discussed later, the Japanese are classified as a â€Å"high-context culture†which correlates to a face-giving or face supporting culture. Face Giving
Monday, May 18, 2020
The Kite Runner Khaled Hosseini - 1329 Words
As evident in The Kite Runner Khaled Hosseini, Enrique s Journey by Sonia Nozario, and the The River King by Alice Hoffman, fear drives the characters to false illusions that dictate their thoughts and actions, and it s only when they escape the fear that they can see clearly. At a young age, Amir of The Kite Runner begins to grow up jealous of Hassan as he yearns for Baba s love and affection. Amir travels through his early years with Hassan by his side to protect him. However, this leads to Baba favoring Hassan because he, unlike Amir, stands up for himself (Hosseini). Amir hears this conversation between Baba and Rahim Kahn, and so Amir decides that he will change to prove that Rahim Khan had been wrong about the mean streak thing (23). Amir is determined to feel strong, and so begins his search for power. Amir finds that it is easiest to exercise his power on Hassan; Amir admits that When we came across a world he didn t know... I d tease him, expose his ignorance (28) Amir takes advantage of any way he can possibly be better than Hassan, and he uses them to suppress his insecurities. Hiding behind a false mask of slighting strength is a boy ridden with fear and cowardice as Amir loses sight of his once inseparable friendship with Hassan. Hassan is raped and Amir only runs away. This, however, only stirs turmoil within Amir, and soon Amir finds himself lying to Baba in order to protect his now somewhat manly face. He drives Hassan out of his life and neverShow MoreRelatedThe Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini883 Words  | 4 Pagesregret from past encounters and usually feel guilty and bitter about the situation. The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini, revolves around the theme of redemption. Redemption can be used as a cure for guilt. Throughout the novel, the author shows that redemption requires some sort of sacrifice and the only way that is possible is if you can forgive yourself from the mistakes you have made in the past. Khaled Hosseini effectively por trays redemption through motifs such as rape, irony and flashbacks, symbolismRead MoreThe Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini1651 Words  | 7 Pages   The novel â€Å"The Kite Runner†by Khaled Hosseini describes the life of a boy, Amir. Amir’s best friend and brother (although that part isn’t known until towards the end), Hassan, plays a major role in Amir’s life and how he grows up. Hosseini portrays many sacrifices that are made by Hassan and Amir. Additionally, Amir seeks redemption throughout much of the novel. By using first person point of view, readers are able to connect with Amir and understand his pain and yearning for a way to be redeemedRead MoreThe Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini1655 Words  | 7 PagesSarah Singer Major Works Data Form Title: The Kite Runner Author: Khaled Hosseini Date of Publication: 2003 Genre: Historical Fiction Historical information about the period of publication: Since the September 11th attacks in 2001, the United States has been at war with Afghanistan. Their goals were to remove the Taliban, track down those in charge of the attacks, and destroy Al-Qaeda. Biographical information about the author: Khaled Hosseini was born in Kabul, Afghanistan, in 1965. HIs motherRead MoreThe Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini1098 Words  | 5 PagesIn The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, we learn a lot about Amir the main character, and Hassan his servant/brother. In the beginning Hassan and Amir’s relationship was one of brotherly love despite the fact that Hassan was a Hazara and Amir a Pashtun. Back in the 1970’s race and religion played a big part in Kabul and these two races were not suppose to have relationships unless it was owner (Pashtun) and servant (Hazara). Baba Amir’s father had an affair with Hassan’s mother, but it was kept aRead MoreThe Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini1313 Words  | 5 Pagesis not unique to just J.K. Rowling. Khaled Hosseini also incorporates life experiences into some of his novels. A prime example of this is The Kite Runner. The storyline of this novel reflects his past to create a journey of a young Afghanistan boy, whose name is Amir. This boy changes drastically throughout his lifetime from a close minded, considerably arrogant boy to an open hearted and minded man. This emotional and mental trip is partially based on Khaled Hosseini’s own life. Throughout Hosseini’sRead MoreThe Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini1908 Words  | 8 Pages​In the novel, â€Å"The Kite Runner†, written by Khaled Hosseini, was taken place in Afghanistan during the 1970’s to the year of 2002. Many historical events happened during this time period and Hosseini portrayed it into his novel. Kabul, the capitol of Afghanistan, was a free, living area for many Afghanistan families to enjoy the life they were given. Until one day, Afghanistan was then taken over and attacked. In the novel, Amir, the protagonist, must redeem himself and the history behind his actionsRead MoreThe Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini1050 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"There is a way to be good again.†(Hosseini 334). This quote given by Rahim Khan to Amir holds a great amount of force and symbolism. In theory, this quote symbolizes the beginning of Amir’s path to redemption. The eye-opening Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini tells about the struggles of Afghanistan before and during the Taliban, and one’s struggle for redemption and acceptance. With regards to the opening quote, some see Amir’s actions as selfish. However, others may believe that Amir truly changedRead MoreThe Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini1583 Words  | 7 Pagesnovel the Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, Amir, the main character, shares his thoughts and actions due to his poor decisions. The problems he encountered were all because of the sin committed in his youth. His sins taunted the beginning of his life and gave him a troublesome memory full of guilt. As the novel continued, Amir attempted to disengage the memory of his sin and forget about it. Amir then faced the long bumpy road to redemption. Khaled Hosseini’s novel the Kite Runner is about sinRead MoreThe Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini871 Words  | 4 Pagesthat person is trying to fix that mistake. This also applies to the novel The Kite Runner. The story revolves around the main character Amir, and his childhood friend, Hassan. After Amir came to America with Baba, his father, he still regrets the things he had done to his childhood friend. He left Hassan getting raped by Assef in a small alley in 1975. Thereafter, Amir always feel regret and seeks for redemption. Hosseini -the author, argues that redemption can be achieved by helping others, teachRead MoreThe Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini3402 Words  | 14 Pagestitle â€Å"The Kite Runner†is symbolic as fighting kites and the kite runnings are impacting moments in the novel. Hassan was the best kite runner in Kabul, if not the whole country, after Amir won the kite fighting the running of that last blue kite triggered the monumental changes for Amir. For the beginning of the story the kite running was associated with Hassan’s rape and Amir’s grief. As kites appear throughout the story, they begin Amir’s story and also end it. Amir flying the kite with Sohrab
Monday, May 11, 2020
Developing Your Professional Identity Is Good For Any...
Developing your Professional Identity An effective professional identity is good for any profession, especially a counseling profession. When a person develops a professional identity it says who they are and what they stand for in that profession. It also says they know about that profession and could tell another anything they would like to know about that profession. When a person knows about there profession they can answer any questions they have about that profession. In this paper the author will discuss the difference between two of the specializations of the counseling discipline. Then this paper will discuss how to use the terms wellness, resilience, and prevention in a counseling discipline. In this paper the author will discuss how the licensure plays a role in being a counselor. This paper will also discuss the issues of, how certain associations can help ones professional identity, how to continue the professional development of counselors, and how technology can play an impact on the counseling profession. Differences in Two Counseling Specializations The first specialization this author would like to discuss is mental health counseling (MHC). MHC is a specialization that stresses: â€Å"developmental, preventive, and educational as well as remedial aspects of mental health care†(Smith Robinson, 1995, p. 158). Some also consider this profession a hybrid and it has an uncomfortable connection between the professions of psychology and educational counseling.Show MoreRelated Gender Identity and Social Structures Essay examples1293 Words  | 6 PagesGender Identity and Social Structures What is meant by identity? Firstly this essay is going to explore what is meant by identity. Identity is made up of individual characteristics by which a person is known. 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Then, even beyond all these personal and social structures,Read MoreThe Military Professional Identity Is Defined Differently By The United States Naval Academy1676 Words  | 7 Pagesto become the future leaders defined as military professionals. The military professional identity is defined differently by everyone. I believe for one to embody the military professional identity, he or she has to be a leader of character and ready to defend the nation. The four years spent at the Naval Academy gives you the opportunity to develop and mold your physical, mental, and moral stature in order to embody the military professional identity that one desires or believes is right. I believeRead MoreLoyalty Within A Group Of People839 Words  | 4 Pageswho is morally wrong and keep your loyalty to them although others are ignoring their immoral misconduct? 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ThereRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy of Nursing Essay1740 Words  | 7 PagesThis paper is a first attempt at forming and articulating my own philosophy of nursing. Our course, Transition to Professional Nursing, is barely two weeks old and already I am being enlightened and challenged to expand my experience of nursing. I will attempt to explain my personal journey and experience thus far including how and why I got here, my beliefs about nursing and related values, and my visions for the future. The Nursing Choice Nursing came in a round-about way for me. I hadRead MorePrivacy And Security : Facebook And Snap Chat1692 Words  | 7 PagesPrivacy and Security in Facebook and Snap chat The uprising of Web 2.0 has contributed to a significant rise in the number of technologies designed to enable the dissemination of user-generated content. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Women s False Assumptions About Women And Society
â€Å"We have an abundance of rape and violence against women in this country and on this Earth, though it s almost never treated as a civil rights or human rights issue, or a crisis, or even a pattern. Violence doesn t have a race, a class, a religion, or a nationality, but it does have a gender.†That was said by Rebecca Solnit, author of Men Explain Things To Me, a book regarding men’s false assumptions about women and society. Sexual violence against women is an ongoing issue facing multiple different countries around the world. Many places have done things to minimize the violence, as well as completely eliminate it from their culture, but this problem of sexual violence is extremely evident and nearly uncontrollable in Egypt especially. Egyptian women were continuously being sexually violated no matter the circumstances, after a law was passed, limiting sexual harassment, there were repercussions within the community and very little change took place. 99.3 percent of Egyptian women have been victims of sexual violence sometime throughout their life (Schultz 1). Sexual violence is an obstacle that the social community has to overcome, but is having a considerably difficult time doing so. Egypt is a country that has been socially destroyed by the acceptance and allowance of sexual violence against women. According to a 2013 study conducted by the United Nations, 99.3 percent of the studied women had experienced a form of sexual violence. 96.5 percent of those women saidShow MoreRelatedWomen s Rights On The Grounds Of Political, Social, And Economic Equality889 Words  | 4 PagesThe dictionary definition of feminism states that feminism is the â€Å"advocacy of women s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.†However, this definition raises controversy due to a lack of preciseness. In order to achieve a precise definition, one would need to define equality because it is safe to say not all men are equal (i.e. white supremacy). The true definition of feminism, is the desire to end sexist tyranny and patriarchy. Feminists do not hate men asRead MoreFeminism : Women s Rights975 Words  | 4 Pagesthey hear a person talking about feminism. It s almost as if being a feminist has now become someone who hates men and wants to establish a new kind of society. It appears that the majority people don t understand what feminism truly is, and they don t realize how it s important. Feminism is about gaining equal rights for women and allowing them to have full control over their lives. At a time when women are objectified in so many different cultures, feminism is also about empowering females. ThereforeRead MoreComposers Craft Novels in Order to Confront the Key Issues of Their Own Context. Discuss How the Authors of to Kill a Mockingbird and Montana 1948 Achieve This Purpose.1407 Words  | 6 PagesMockingbird by Harper Lee and also Montana 1948 by Larry Watson. Lee writes in the 1960s about the 1930s, and Watson writes in the 1990s about the 1940s demonstrating a time when people were persecu ted for their race, gender, religion and education. These novels are crafted to provide insight of the issues experienced in society and to enlighten society’s current perceptions. Both authors desire to educate responders about the destructive nature of prejudice that disenfranchised individuals experienced andRead MoreFeminism And Its Effects On Society1173 Words  | 5 Pagespast few decades, â€Å"feminism†has been portrayed as women who hate men and think all men are evil. True â€Å"feminists†define it as achieving equal political, economical, and social rights for women. Though more and more people are starting to realize the true meaning, its the negative assumptions that are stuck in people’s mind. The media is to blame for misguiding people because of these false accusations. Feminist still faced problems in today’s society. Many people are made to believe that problems doRead MoreDo culture and individual beliefs affect logical thin king? If so, how do they influence the conclusions we reach?1522 Words  | 7 Pagesbased on the other aspects of culture mentioned. For example a person who is a Unitarian would most likely have different beliefs about the roles of women in society than someone who is Evangelical. In this example, the individual belief concerning women was based on the code developed by the particular religion. Although religion is a very strong force in our society today, beliefs are also cultivated trough family, education, peers, and in many cases can be developed depending on the area and timeRead MoreAnalysis of Music ´s Deadly Influence by CWA (Concerned Women for America)958 Words  | 4 PagesThe CWA (or Concerned Women for America) released an article named Musics Deadly Influence in August 3, 1999. The article was released when the music industry would be at a peak in its involvement within society. The TV had channels for music, CD players and various walkmans were top selling, a nd music could be acquired anywhere including the internet. The intention of this article was to serve as a general warning to parents and various other authority figures about the music industry and itsRead MoreExample Essay of an Advertisement Deconstruction: Jergens Ultra Healing Lotion.824 Words  | 3 PagesIn terms of women and sex appeal, the world of advertising has changed a considerable amount. Many of the advertisements which are seen in newspapers, magazines, and television fail to portray women in a more positive light. The image of females in numerous advertisements are merely viewed as fascinating objects while they are also being displayed in a fashion that is supposed to appeal only to men, i.e. exploitation of the body. Though these types of advertisements are very effective at sellingRead MoreRape Culture Essay1507 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"S/he asked for it!†This is a common excuse used when somebody is accused of rape. Rape culture affects many peo ple, including both women and men. Rape culture is a problem and it makes it difficult for somebody to speak out about a non- consensual sexual incident. Non- consensual sexual intercourse is rape. Sexual assault is violence, not sex. Many have spoken about their experiences with rape and rape culture. Rape culture is a culture defined as a society that normalizes rape and sexual assaultRead MoreBlack : A Black Person1199 Words  | 5 Pageswho I am. Being black especially in our country comes with a lot of assumptions and beliefs about who we are as people and what our value is to our society. More obvious assumptions are that black people are less educated than Caucasian Americans, therefore making us lower class citizens. One of the most demeaning ways that people showcase these beliefs of black Americans is through their preconceived notions about what talking black is. Their definition of talking black, meaning thatRead MoreElementary School s Gender Segregation Peeves Parents949 Words  | 4 Pagesdistinct groups according to gender may be based on the stereotype that males and females differ in terms of their ability. Therefore, the assumption of the gender differences, lead to the concept and implementation that students should be taught differently or even attend different lessons, because they have different roles in society. For example, teaching females about confidence and relationship building skills may be based on the stereotype that females are self-conscious, or that females should learn
Augustus Establishment of the Principate Free Essays
Establishment of the Principate: Booklet 1 Impact of the death of Caesar Government of Rome, under the republic: ?Senate governed Rome ?Corsus Honorum- political ladder of offices Consul Praetor Political offices voted for by public Aedile Quaestor Army services- 10 years Impact on Octavian: †¢Treated him like a son, groomed him as heir, military experience †¢Danger to O after death, assassinated for his dictatorial behaviour †¢When he found out, he didn’t go to Rome straight away (danger) wen to Italy †¢In will, O had been named heir A. H. M jones- no danger to Oct only wanted to rid Rome of Caesar †¢Return to Rome for inheritance †¢Reinforced position by raising two legions (5000 each)- veterans of retired Caesar, loyalty and closeness. We will write a custom essay sample on Augustus: Establishment of the Principate or any similar topic only for you Order Now Needs to match to C and show why C made him heir (prove himself) †¢We don’t know how he was feeling, but though that ‘a furious hatred for the murderers of his beloved†¦ great uncle’. When he was heir must have a duty of vengeance †¢Felt robbed of the hopes of a career under C patronage As Caesar’s son he commanded support from soldiers and veterans †¢Frosty reception from Antony, who denied access to C fortune. O borrowed money to pay off C bequest to the Roman people and celebrate games increase pop. †¢Filial piety = loyalty to father, family and ancestors †¢The games coinage with image of comet which confirms Caesar’s divine status made Oct ‘divus filius’ son of god Impact on Rome: †¢Upset, C was pop by Rome †¢Initially calm, C assassins expected normal government to resume. Antony and Marcus Lepidus remained untouched †¢Assassins perceived him as dictator and threat to republic. After Rome was sent into turmoil for murdered, who had no future plans and though death would lead to restorations of the republic †¢David Shotter- meant little more than the nobility would be free to resume their self- indulgent lifestyle †¢Left a power vacuum in Rome †¢Political support- situation was unstable one side there were the supporters of the conspirators against Caesar, on the other side there were Caesar’s men (M+A) who had the people and the majority of the tribunes behind them. †¢The question remained- what was to be done about murderers of Julius Caesar? Early Career of Octavian: Gaius Octavian was born on the 24th September 63BC into a wealthy and respected family †¢Mother Atia, niece of Julius Caesar †¢She later married th aristocratic L. Marcius Philippus who proved to be a good step father to Oct providing the young boy with a solid if rather old-fashioned education †¢When 11 he gave a speech at his grandmother’s, J ulia, funeral †¢Caesar was impressed with the boy’s abilities had him elected to the college of pontiffs and allowed him to take part in his African triumph when Oct was only 16 †¢He was a dedicated boy who suffered bouts of illness throughout his life. Sickness prevented him from going to Spain in 46, accompanying Caesar †¢Although he soon followed even though still not feeling well †¢Caesar was impressed and was from then made his will in favour of Oct †¢In preparation of his planning for the campaign against the Parthians, Caesar appointed Oct to his staff and sent him to Macedonia to complete his education and also receive military training †¢O took with him a friend, Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa, who until his death in 12BC was to remain O’s loyal friend and supporter Oct attempts to secure is inheritance: †¢Didn’t know that he was heir until returning from Italy †¢Parents suggested that he shouldn’t accept but he not only accepted, but changed hi name to Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus †¢He now had to aims: Avenge his father’s death Prove himself worthy of such a father †¢As he moved around Italy, C veterans and friends welcomed him – he would have to be cautious to meet his ends †¢Cicero did not trust him, he wrote in a letter to Atticus; â€Å"†¦ there are too many around him. They threatened death to our friends and call the present state of affairs intolerable††¢O received a cold and hostile welcome from his father’s friend Marc Antony when he arrived †¢Antony blocked O attempt to have his adoption legalised and would not hand over Caesar’s money †¢Oct borrowed money in order to honour father’s legacy gained him pop. and has games at his own expense †¢Antony probably didn’t perceive O as a serious political rival – Jones Octavian’s temporary collaboration with the Republicans: †¢Two broad categories: republicans and Caesarians Republicans: Brutus and Cassius left for the east to raise troops, Cicero returned to R to lead the senate against Antony Caesarians: Antony laid a siege to Brutus at Mutina, Oc rebuffed by Antony, appealed to Caesar’s veterans and seduced 2 of Antony’s legions †¢43BC Cicero decided to use Oct for a republican cause in doing so speaks favourably of him †¢Raising an army like O did was illegal, however Cicero decided to look past this Oct first consulship: †¢Defeated A in Gaul he was now an enemy (with republicans) †¢Senate tried to discard Oct O realised that now the republicans were in command, his fathers murderers that he would have to take vengeance †¢He was consulship so that allowed him to gain leading position of the Caesarion party †¢Senate and Cicero continued to reject O demands used 400 centurions to march to Gaul and demand that their commander be given the consulship †¢When this was resisted, O marched with Romeâ€⠄¢s legions †¢He was elected in 43BC with his cousin Quintus Pedius they revoked the decree outlawing Antony and legalised the adoption †¢Oct had achieved his immediate objectives Now planned to meet B+C in battle The Second Triumvirate: Members: Antony, Lepidus, Octavian Five years- length of appointment Purpose of alliance: to set the state in order and to attack the republican armies of B+C in the east Power of T: Absolute- pwers of a dictator without the name The right to nominate all magistrates in advance Territory controlled: A- Transalpine Cisalpine Gaul, L-Narbonese Gaul Spain, O- Africa, Sicily Sardinia First task undertaken: campaign of proscription ?Purpose? Confiscate estates in order to have money and land for the troops ? Destroy their enemies ?Results? ?Death of 300 senators ?Inc. death of Cicero ?Escape republicans Further activities: Julius Caesar fully deified, Lepidus appointed consul for 42, preparations made for A+O to face B+C in Macedonia Civil W ar: Battle of Philippi, 42BC: †¢After proscriptions, a campaign made to avenge murder †¢The Caesarion faction finally completes the avenging of the murder of Caesar †¢Faction found itself in control of 60 legions Path to Civil War: At first it seemed that A to control of the east. = rich in resources †¢O received Italy (heart of the empire) †¢Sextus based in Sicily Interfered with the trading in Italy – grain supplies and refuge for opponents of the the T. †¢Defeted Lucius Antonius, 41BC and Sextus Pompeius, 36BC †¢Make an example of his control †¢Argued that A was succumbing in relationship with his mistress Cleopatra †¢Republicans taken refuge with S, allowed them to return to Italy Showed the Roman virtues(merciful) †¢Claimed credit for their rehabilitation Events provided material for O propaganda †¢Undesirability of the union- A and chief victim was A wife and O’s sister, Octavia †¢Shotter says that Oâ₠¬â„¢s marriage to Livia Drusilla was â€Å"one of the most important decisions of his life††¢Oct, leader of Caesarion faction was now the Champion of the republicans †¢The west were being prepared for a war that was not portrayed as the civil war Battle of Actium- Consequences and Significance: Significance: -O was now supreme ruler of the Roman world -Egypt added to a new province of the Roman Empire Wealth was added -Victories lead the civil wars to a decisive end -29BC O closed the doors of the Temple of Janus in Rome new era of peace was brought to the empire Source 1- coin: †¢Proclaiming E has been taken †¢Croc means that -Creation of financial stability -No acceptance of exceptional honurs or powers -Use of propaganda to promote a new era of peace -No vengeance in the form of proscriptions exacted against enemies -Emphasis on interest in traditional and conservative activities -Provision of diversions and employment for the people How to cite Augustus: Establishment of the Principate, Essay examples
Style approach free essay sample
?There are various characteristics and styles of leadership; the emphasis of the style approach is the focus on the actions and behavioral characteristics of the leader. There are two behaviors of the style approach that researchers have observed, task behaviors and relationship behaviors (Northouse, 2013). People who are in roles of leadership should acquire both behaviors to be successful in their position and maintain motivation and the quest for achievement in their subordinates. Task behaviors are those traits that keep others motivated to work to complete objectives. Relationship behaviors are characteristics and actions that leaders possess that make others feel respected, understood and want to work towards a common goal. Unlike other approaches to leadership, such as the trait approach, the style approach looks at a leader’s behaviors and actions. Balancing these two behaviors is the key to being an effective leader (Northouse, 2013) In case number 4. 2 Susan Parks is a determined and diligent leader at Marathon Sports. Marathon Sports is an athletic equipment store that specializes in running shoes and accessories. She manages ten employees that are college students and work part time during the week and full time on the weekends. Marathon Sports has a huge opportunity for great growth with the store being located in a college town with a population of 125,000. According the case the store is estimated to have a fifteen percent growth each year. Susan Parks seems to have the perfect situation for a great team to be successful. Susan Parks works long hours and she performs several different jobs from sales, buyer, planner and manager. She is constantly working and never seems to take a break. The rumor is that she eats her lunch standing up. It seems that Susan Parks has all the right attributes in performance and meeting a task but she does not seem to fully posses the relationship approach to leadership. Her employees have a mixed reaction to her leadership style. Most agree she is effective and organized. Susan Parks has great communication skills and clearly explains to her staff what the task is at hand. Her staff feel accomplished at the end of the day but ultimately they do not feel much of a relationship connection with Susan Parks. Susan needs to examine the style approach. According the Northouse text â€Å"The style approach gives them a great deal of nurturance and support. The style approach gives the leader a way to look at his or her own behavior by subdividing it into two dimensions. †As we see Susan Parks has the task oriented leader. Susan Parks is an authority compliance leader. She communicates tasks with the employees but nothing beyond the task at hand. Susan is a mother and a wife and she struggles with her professional and personal balance, her fellow employees could relate better to Susan if she was more approachable and relatable. Her ‘nothing but business’ attitude makes her cold to her subordinates. Her focus is strictly on the goal and not on the people that help make achieving the goal possible. By connecting to her subordinates on a professional and personal level, it will motivate and influence her team members to work harder for her. It is important for her to adopt the Team Management approach. In chapter 4 of Northouse, Team management is explained as â€Å"a strong emphasis on both tasks and interpersonal relationships. It promotes a high degree of participation and teamwork in the organization and satisfies a basic need in employees to be involved and committed to their work. †Employee values, attitudes, and leadership behavior play a very important role in enhancing employee work motivation and performance. Employee work values, attitudes and leadership behavior can carefully be adjusted to produce a strong impact on employee work motivation. There are several ways Mrs. Parks can connect to her subordinates, by taking a break to eat lunch she can use that time to talk to her employees about their day and home life. By taking those small moments to her advantage and to learn more about what makes her employees tick and what stresses them outside of their job. Just like Susan Parks experiences trouble balancing work and home life. If her employees notice her taking a break and that there is more to her life then meeting the stores goal. If during those moments she motivates and compliments her subordinates on the hard work that they do, she will gain more of their respect and appreciation. Susan Parks could also implement a reward system or staff parties for when they achieve their goal. This way she is getting to know her staff better and rewarding them for their good work. This will make them want to work harder for her to make Marathon Sports that much more successful. Ultimately, she will have more trust for her staff to be able to take on more duties, which will allow her to take a lunch not standing and be able to balance her home and work life better. The more she motivates and connects with her subordinates the harder they will work and want to come to work. Making a positive warm environment with clear communication skills is ideal for a successful team. With a younger staff juggling school and work, is difficult to keep a committed staff, especially if they are not enjoying work. Using team building activities, reward systems and simply taking the time to ask how someone’s day is, this will boost the team morale and make coming to work more exciting. They will go home feeling accomplished and ready to come back to work and be motivated to be successful and loyal. Susan Parks has all the resources and communication skills, she just has to connect and be approachable to her employees.
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Of Mice And Men(Good) Essays - English-language Films, Films
Of Mice And Men(Good) The novel Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, is about two men who are brought together and share few good times, such as each others company, and the more overwhelmingly the bad times. Both men fight the loneliness that was ramped during the Depression. The story begins in the foothills of Salinas, California, in the middle of the Great Depression. Here we meet two men, who are able to carry all of their possessions in a bindle, and are continually planning on how to get their own land and live off of the ?fat a da land?. George, the mentally stronger of the two, tells his companion Lennie, how life is going to be on this piece of land. Lennie is constantly asking George to repeat his because it makes him feel good and this is understandable because Lennie has the mental capacity of a two year old. Before the two men are able to purchase this coveted piece of land that they are after, they need to save enough money. That is the reason they go to work on a barley ranch. This ranch wi ll change their lives forever. While at the ranch, Lennie breaks the hand of the bosses' son and then accidentally kills the wife of the son. After Lennie kills the woman, and other previous mishaps at previous jobs, George realizes that because of Lennies mental capability, or lack of it, Lennie will continue to hurt and maybe even kill other people. George decides to shoot Lennie in fear that if anyone else will get to him, that they will hurt him. Throughout this entire novel, there are many examples of loneliness. Steinbeck stresses the theme of loneliness through the characters of Crooks, Candy, and Curley's wife. The first character Steinbeck uses to express loneliness in his book is Crooks. Crooks is a crippled, black, ranch hand. He became crippled when a horse kicked him in the back. Also, because of his skin color, he is never allowed in the other men's bunk to play cards or just hang out. Crooks is all alone in the barn and wishes he had somebody to stay with him. He showed this when he said ?S'pose you didn't have nobody. S'pose you couldn't go into the bunkhouse and play rummy ?cause you was black'. How'd you like that (Page 72) Another quote Crooks says that shows that he is lonely is when he states, ?A guy needs somebody - to be near him. A guy goes nuts if he ain't got nobody. Don't make no difference who the guy is long's he's with you. I tell ya. I tell ya a guy gets too lonely an' he gets sick.? (Page 72I) The second character that Steinbeck uses to stress loneliness is Candy. Candy is an old ranch hand who lost his hand in a machine. Candy becomes lonely when he loses his dog. A fellow worker killed his dog after many of the men complained that the dog stunk and that it was only suffering, considering that it was not able to feed itself. He offers to help George and Lennie reach their dream of owning property if he can live with them, doing small odd jobs around the house and yard. He offers this because he is lonely and is not sure how long he will be kept around the ranch. He explains to them that he needs somewhere to go when he is let go. Andy expressed this in the novel when he says, ?When they can me here I wisht somebody'd shoot me. But they won't do nothing like that. I won't have no place to go, an I can't get no more jobs.? (Page 60) Another example is when Candy misses his dog after raising it from just a little pup. This is let known when Candy says, ?I ought to of shot th at dog myself, George. I shouldn't of let no stranger shoot my dog.? (Page 61) Candy's only dream is of always being someplace where he is accepted. The final character that John Steinbeck emphasizes isolation in is Curley's wife. She tells the men on the ranch how she is continually lonely
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Catch Me if You Can by Frank W.
Catch Me if You Can by Frank W. Catch Me if You Can by Frank W. Abagnale is the true story of Frank Abagnale himself, as a real fake. Throughout the book, Abagnale uses several different rhetorical devices, such as foreshadowing, irony, point of view, and importance of title; and raises certain social issues.The title Catch Me if You Can is very important because it is a perfect example of foreshadowing. Frank's first taste of the criminal life occurs at age sixteen. He cons his father out of $3,400. After which, Frank runs away to New York and the con-artistry begins. By impersonating people, Frank gets a thrill and acquires a lot of money. Therefore, Abagnale spends most of his life running from the authorities.The author writes the book in his own point of view, which makes sense because the story is about his own life. By writing of personal experiences, the reader is persuaded to take the book more literally.Frank BoonBecause the book is written about Abagnle himself, the reader gets to know his personal thoug hts and reasoning for his crimes. When Frank cons his father and is caught, his reasoning is evident when he says: "It's the girls, Dad....They do funny things to me. I can't explain it" (17). The reader also gets a better feel of the way Abagnale thinks, and his ability to manipulate others for information. Acting as Bobby Black a high school reporter, Frank interviews a Pan Am pilot and gets all the information he needs: "I was finding a lot of nuggets for my poke" (35). He also gathers information from the women he dates in his present field of work. While the women believe Frank is interested in getting to know them, his real motive is to become as educated as possible.Abagnale uses irony in the book...
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Critical Lens Essay
Critical Lens Essay A critical lens essay is a type of essay where students ability to think critically and express their ideas in the written form is estimated. Generally, it requires three major skills: reading, critical thinking, and writing. Critical Lens essay generally follows a fixed essay format: introduction, three body paragraphs, and conclusion. What Is a Critical Lens Essay A critical lens essay is a type of essay where students ability to think critically and express their ideas in the written form is estimated. Generally, it requires three major skills: reading, critical thinking, and writing. Careful preparation for essay writing is no less important than writing itself. ESSAY WRITING TIPS AND TRICKS This type of essay (see all types of essay) is often used during written examinations when the assignment is given in the form of a statement or a phrase, and students are asked to relate it to one or two pieces of literature. Critical Lens Essay Structure Critical Lens essay generally follows a fixed essay format. In the essay, a student has to discuss two literature pieces and 3 literary terms. In addition, a student needs to know capitalization rules and write them correctly. All titles are capitalized. Book titles are underlined and short stories are put in quotes. Generally, an essay consists of the following elements: Introduction The first sentence introduces the quote itself. Next sentence one should give the students interpretation of the quote to show how the student understands its meaning. Next, outline whether you agree or disagree with this quote, mention the books you are going to talk about in your essay and explain how your quote relates to them. Remember to spell, capitalize and punctuate all titles correctly. It is advisable not to use personal pronouns like: â€Å"I, you, we, me, my†; in contrast, it is better to substitute them with third person pronouns or alternative words like ‘they’, ‘readers’, ‘people’ etc. Three Body Paragraphs Paragraph 1. In the first body paragraph, restate the quote in your interpretation. Paragraph 2. In the second body paragraph, mention the titles of the first literature piece you are going to analyze and briefly mention how it relates to the selected quote. Paragraph 3. In the third body paragraph, speak about the second literary piece and explain how you think it relates to the quote you have selected. In order to back up your quote, you will need to use specific examples from each novel. Another thing: dont forget to connect the book back to the interpretation of your quote. Conclusion Your conclusion sums up the main thoughts of the essay. It is strongly recommended not to repeat your introduction verbatim. Don’t forget to end your essay with the quote that opened it. CRITICAL ESSAY FROM A TO Z Steps on How to Write a Critical Lens Essay STEP 1. Read the quote attentively. STEP 2. Try to rewrite the quote in your own words. STEP 3. Analyze the quote. STEP 4. Decide whether you agree or disagree. STEP 5. Name the two literary pieces that support your position. STEP 6. Think of a short summary of the two texts and express how they support/don’t support the quote. STEP 7. Try to use literary elements into your argument, but dont overdo it. Use it in the introduction and the first body paragraph. STEP 8. In the first paragraph, focus on the book you have read and explain how the text supports your understanding of the quote. STEP 9. If one paragraph appears to be too long, you may break it up into two smaller ones. STEP 10. In the second paragraph, you should use the same order but now write about the other text. STEP 11. Make a short summary of what youve written – that’s your conclusion. STEP 12. Restate your thesis and explain how the texts you selected to support it. CRITICAL ANALYSIS Necessary Literary Elements Keeping the structure in mind, you should not forget to use the following literary elements: Figurative Language: use the simile, metaphor, alliteration, personification and hyperbole correctly. Flashback: be able to describe the past event at present. Foreshadowing: use name hints or clues that suggest some events that may happen next. Plot: follow the correct sequence of events which took place in the literary piece. The point of view: give your own point of view. Setting: show your knowledge of the time and place of the action in literary work. Theme: show your understanding of the central idea of the literary work. Tone: use your specific attitude towards the audience or subject. Be able to add to your interpretation of the quote the details from the books you read. If you follow all the tips you will create an intelligent critical lens essay and will easily convince the reader that you are aware of your topic to the smallest detail. The main thing you need to keep in mind while creating your critical lens essay is to persuade readers to accept your viewpoint. Place an order and our professional academic writers will help you find the right reasoning to do that!
Monday, February 17, 2020
Is bureaucracy irrational Reflect critically Essay
Is bureaucracy irrational Reflect critically - Essay Example Many large scale organizations follow a form of structure which is more systematic and legitimized policies. In fact, following a systematic structure in every organization is insisted by many of the management theorists, bureaucracy has gained significance among the development of theories and is frequently observed as a sub-section typical topic. The study of bureaucracy is studied as a new approach to organization and the business. Though the classical writers picked up their ideas and principles from practical experiences, their theories are also based on older basis of management concepts. Before we discuss about the rationality, we should know about Max Weber’s Bureaucracy and its key aspects. Max Weber is originally a German sociologist initiated a certain concern for bureaucratic structures in organization, when he was studying on power and authority as a main stream. This bureaucratic structure is the idea which to Weber almost came as a part of his study. He insisted that the key role played by the organization’s top decision makers brings about the change within the structure of management and also provided a steep rise to stable and standard administration procedures. The responsibilities and the tasks definitions played by the decision makers bring about these changes (Andreski, 2008). ... This social network of intellectuals in diverse disciplines helped create a flexible mind with the ability and tendency to take assorted points of view (Allan, 2005). The term bureaucracy has its own criticisms that it is not observed necessarily in depreciative formal organizations. Weber analyzed that bureaucracies’ are not the same quality followed in all organizations. He viewed a clear progress of bureaucracies are markedly visible as the profits of increasing in identifying order and level-headedness into the society and its life. Max Weber’s bureaucracy was one of the most successful organization structures in the last century and also regarded the perfection of bureaucracy. The key characteristics of bureaucracy are outlined below: Formal Hierarchy Every higher level in an organization controls the lower level, thus forming a hierarchy which forms a basis of centralized scheduling and decision building (Slattery, 2003). System of Structure: The rules and policie s made by the company permits decisions stated at high levels which in turn to be administered to the lower levels of the bureaucrats (Macionis, 2006). Work Specialization People are divided into several divisions on the basis of what kind of job they perform or the expertise they do. Work specialization allows people to do certain jobs in perfection (Macionis, 2006). Mission Focused Here, the purpose of the organization is of two means, focused above and focused below. If its main focus was to satisfy the suppliers, the panel or any group authorized it. If suppose, the focus lies towards serving the organization itself and some other internal processes like raising the profits high and approved
Monday, February 3, 2020
Survey for my psychology class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Survey for my psychology class - Essay Example In general there was similarity to the answer on the nature of psychology, except for the youngest, who had no previous exposure to any study on psychology. The answers from the others were satisfactory as all of them have had exposure to psychology in their student days, as could be seen from their response to the second question. The best answer came from the participant undergoing a nursing course, and as such had the best exposure to the nature of psychology in her study classes. The only erroneous answer came from the youngest with the least experience, and no exposure to psychology in his study classes. He has confused psychology with psychiatry, which is a branch of psychology that deals with abnormal functioning of the brain or mental illness. Taking into consideration his exposure, he has exhibited a perception that most people would, when not aware of psychology, as psychiatry is commonly used in the treatment of mental illness. This brings us to the possibility that often perceptions derived from the environment around us need not necessarily be factual, and yet to the human mind it remains otherwise. The third question is relevant to the experiences that the participants have had during their tenure in the college. To the majority the institution is a great place, and this perception arises from the good experiences that they have had. Yet, these perceptions are expressed by members of the faculty and administration. They are bound to say nice things even if they feel otherwise. The nature of the institution from the students’ perception drops to an all right situation from the older student, and a downright condemnation of the institution from the young student, who must be having pretty bad experiences in the institution. Depending on which side of the fence the individual assesses the institution the perception changes. Therefore experience, position and age do
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