Tuesday, December 24, 2019
RIP A Remix Manifesto - 2036 Words
RIP: A Remix Manifesto offers a convincing case for copyright reform raising the issues about the viscous control on the ownership of intellectual property against the free access to share ideas. Gaylor (2008) is passionate about the ridiculous copyright laws and their ongoing restrictive modifications in the USA that are demolishing the creativity of new ideas and innovations that these copyright laws were originally meant to protect. Gaylor (2008) uses his favourite artist ‘Girl Talk’ who samples and remixes music, to centre his documentary in an effort to defend the public domain and its ability to share free idea, along with the use of the remixer’s manifesto- Number 1. Culture always builds on the past. Number 2. The past always tries to control the future. Number 3. Our future is becoming less free. Number 4. To build free societies you must limit the control of the past. The first point made in the remixers’ manifesto involves Gaylor (2008) exploring the history of artists who have used the creativity of the past for the inspiration of their new idea; including Walt Disney and Metallica- who has borrowed previously made song structures from musicians- both have now become harsh advocates for the current copyright laws. In keeping with Gaylor’s (2008) style, the remaining remix manifesto points will become a guideline for the remaining essay along with the issues and case study that will be represented on the poster. Number 2. The past will always try to control theShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Documentary Rip : A Remix Manifesto 882 Words  | 4 Pages Analysis Essay Final Draft- RiP: A Remix Manifesto Information age is the world we live in today it is how we navigate to do everything phones, laptops, tablets, and the biggest one the internet. We have the ability to control and see the world with all this technology, it leads us to new heights and creations as technology and knowledge advances by the year. The best part is matching ideas and being able to build off of these new creations to make more advanced and proficient media. ButRead MoreWhen Does Fair Use Become Theft and Viceversa680 Words  | 3 PagesWho really owns ideas, and how long should they hold them? When does Fair Use become Theft and vice versa? Those are the question raised in Brett Gaylors documentary RiP: A Remix Manifesto, raises alarms for those who think copyright holders have become too aggressive about protecting their intellectual property. The documentary highlights the popular music artist known as Girl Talk. Girl Talk consists of one man named Gregg Gillis and he takes parts from different songs (usually popular ones)Read MoreEssay on Lawrence Lessig2664 Words  | 11 Pagesthere have been attempts to raise awareness of the current copyright landscape as well as attempts to create an alternative copyright scheme in defence of the Internet. Rip: A Remix Manifesto (Galor 2008) echoes much of what Lessig (2001) suggests in demanding changes for the future. Whilst Galor (2008) constructs a four-point ‘manifesto’ the overarching theme is that in order to protect the future, the control of the past, or in other words the leaders of the old industries, must be limited. In saying
Monday, December 16, 2019
Salinity Free Essays
Problems arise in the world due to salinity, as when the salt gets on to the top of the soil†¦.. it causes disaster to the plants and trees. We will write a custom essay sample on Salinity or any similar topic only for you Order Now Salt comes in many forms in the natural environmentâ€â€calcium, magnesium, carbonate, sodium chloride, bicarbonate, and sulphate. Many landscapes are naturally saline, but secondary salinity isn’t so natural, occurring when salts from deep within the earth are dissolved and deposited into soil and water as a result of human activity. This can happen in one of two ways: Dryland salinity – from removal of deep-rooted plants In dry regions, deeply-rooted perennial plants, such as shrubs, trees, and grasses, play an important role in regulating groundwater levels. As water is applied to the soil, the plants drink it up and breath it out through a process called evapotranspiration. This ensures that the water table levels stay relatively stable. But this balance is thrown into chaos when farmers clear the land to gain more space for grazing animals and cultivating food crops. In doing so, they remove the deep-rooted plants and replace them with shallow-rooted annual crops. These plants do not take up as much water as once-plentiful native plants, and as a result, more water remains in the soil. Over timeâ€â€up to 30 yearsâ€â€water accumulates in the land, causing the water table to rise. As it does so, it passes through layers of salt and dissolving the deposits that have existed in the land for centuries. The shallow-rooted plants can’t keep up with the rising water levels, which results in rising salt deposits in ever-increasing concentrations in topsoil. Irrigation salinity – from overirrigation Much like dryland salinity, irrigation salinity results in a rising water table that brings deep deposits of salt upwards through soil layers. But instead of being caused by land clearing, it results from increased irrigation. As water soaks into the soil, it adds to existing water, raising the water table, bringing salt along for the ride. During periods of irrigation, the water table will lower again, but salt will remain in surface soil, increasing the salt concentration with each irrigation cycle. What impact does it have? Contamination of ecosystems with excess salt Both dryland and irrigation salinity result in similar environmental challenges: * Groundwater used for human consumption as well as agricultural and industrial applications becomes saline, making it unusable * Wetlands and bushland ecosystems are damaged, resulting in declines in wildlife biodiversity * Salt damages houses, pipelines, railways, buildings, roads, and water supply systems What has been done about it? Many conservation and regeneration options available There are many possible steps a community can take to prevent and/or reverse salinity: Identify areas where potential for biodiversity loss is significant due to salinity, setting targets to protect and bring back sensitive species * Protecting key native vegetation species from being cleared and promoting reintroduction of these species in areas affected by salinity * Limit over-irrigation and the construction of dams in sensitive areas, such as wetlands and watercourses * Promote environmentally-sound property managem ent planning * Educate farmers and the public about the risks of increasing salinity * Construct both surface and sub-surface drainage systems to prevent salinity that results from rising water levels Is this action working? Reversing soil salinity a slow process – prevention is easier Progress in preventing and reversing the effects of salinization is slow and painstaking. Research is beginning to identify ways farmers can continue to cultivate their crops without increasing soil salinity. Planting salt tolerant, deep-rooted plants throughout agricultural lands in one way to see improvements, but like most solutions, it can be costly and requires by-in from farmers and communities alike. Further education of key stakeholders in communities at risk of salinization is required. Why is this? Effects of soil salinity take many years to appear It can take up to 30 years for communities to begin to feel the effects of increasing salinity, making reversal of the problem equally time-consuming. It also requires significant funding. The Australian government, for instance, pledged to spend nearly $8 million on salinization remediation plans to 2008. Should it continue? On one side, there are those who are against Without remediation of soil salinity, great problems lie ahead Without long-sighted solutions, the problem of salinity, including loss of agricultural land, devastation of ecosystems, and the costs associated with damaged property, will continue to increase. In the US, it is estimated that 10 million hectares of land is lost to salinity every year. The challenge is equally serious in Australia. Environmentalists have been drawing attention to this growing crisis for years, and only after seeing the effects of salinity are individuals and governments coming to terms with the magnitude of the problem. Failure to address salinity could result in widespread crop failures and even more devastating loss of biodiversity. Should it continue? On the other side, there are those who are all for it Hydro advocates oppose There are many who prefer to turn a blind eye to the problem of salinity, especially those with a vested interest in the industries responsible for the consequences. Salinity can increase in the presence of dams and other water reservoirs, making salinity an acceptable cost to advocates of large-scale hydro projects. The damming of the Colorado River, which flows into Mexico, has caused significant increases in the brackish (i. e. saline) quality of the water. Reversing these problems so that those down river can be supplied with high-quality water has been expensive for the US, resulting in costs upwards of several hundred million dollars every year. Farmers’ struggles Equally challenging is working with farmers who see the very long-range problem of salinity as minor compared to the desire to see short-term financial gains through over-irrigation of crops. Small and large-scale farmers alike struggle with the reality of spending money to prevent a problem that may not occur for decades. How to cite Salinity, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Song To the Moon and Back Essay Example For Students
Song To the Moon and Back Essay Song lyrics can express powerful, passionate feelings; they can verbalize a feeling that you yourself could not put into words. Each song conveys a different message. They can be upbeat and carefree tunes, heart-wrenching break-up anthems, or angry and vulgar raps. Spencer Fort is an alternative singer and songwriter that coveys honest emotions through his lyrics. In his song, â€Å"To the Moon and Back,†he uses both song lyrics and music to express his desire to ultimately live a full, rewarding life after he overcomes the obstacles he faces. The lyrics alone carry this message that Spencer Fort is going to make his life worth something and that he will be able to look back at his life and smile in the end. The beginning of the song talks about a man up on the moon smiling down at Spencer. The man represents what Spencer wants to accomplish: Being able to look back at his life and smile down on it. The moon is the only consistent thing in his journey as a musician. As he states in the song, I get older every day, different anxieties approach and challenge him because his job is so unpredictable as a singer just starting off in the music industry. He does not know where his career is going or where his next paycheck is coming from along with normal anxieties that any human goes through. As a performer, he’s had a lot of anxieties on what his life is going to be in five or ten years, because it is a rather unstable industry. The line, I want to make it to the moon and back, is purely stating that he desires to make it to the moon, which in itself is one of the most difficult thing to accomplish. That line is a parallel to him pursuing his career as singer in the music industry, because that is also a very difficult thing to do. The song is purely about just wanting to be happy with whatever happens in his life, but sort of being afraid of it. That is also why he tied in lines from all of his other songs in it, so â€Å" To the Moon and Back†can be presented as here’s what I have done up to this point in my career and I am proud of it. By the end of the song he ties in what he said in the beginning about the old man looking down and smiling, he says â€Å"in the end I just pray that I’ve done well which represents how he wants to be by the end of his life, smiling down on his life. When he states, I just want to make it to the moon and back. The instrumental aspect of this song plays a major role in portraying the message Spencer is trying to convey: It portrays the consistencies of his life along with the different obstacles thrown at him and through it all he wants his life to mean something to him and others. To accomplish this feeling, the song starts off with just the piano playing softly but hard on the left hand bass as his voice is also soft and slow while he talks about the moon which is the consistent thing in his life. Then after the first few lines drums accompany the piano as his voice picks up and is faster causing the listener to feel suspense as the drums are beating and beating along with the lyrics that begin to bring a feeling of determination to accomplish great things and overcoming any obstacles along the way. The piano plays throughout the entire song demonstrating the consistency in his life. As the drums and guitar gets added into the song it is a parallel to all the different anxieties Spencer is experiencing in his life. .ubee9b40d6ea35539ae5a2ed01a843fd8 , .ubee9b40d6ea35539ae5a2ed01a843fd8 .postImageUrl , .ubee9b40d6ea35539ae5a2ed01a843fd8 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ubee9b40d6ea35539ae5a2ed01a843fd8 , .ubee9b40d6ea35539ae5a2ed01a843fd8:hover , .ubee9b40d6ea35539ae5a2ed01a843fd8:visited , .ubee9b40d6ea35539ae5a2ed01a843fd8:active { border:0!important; } .ubee9b40d6ea35539ae5a2ed01a843fd8 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ubee9b40d6ea35539ae5a2ed01a843fd8 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ubee9b40d6ea35539ae5a2ed01a843fd8:active , .ubee9b40d6ea35539ae5a2ed01a843fd8:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ubee9b40d6ea35539ae5a2ed01a843fd8 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ubee9b40d6ea35539ae5a2ed01a843fd8 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ubee9b40d6ea35539ae5a2ed01a843fd8 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ubee9b40d6ea35539ae5a2ed01a843fd8 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ubee9b40d6ea35539ae5a2ed01a843fd8:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ubee9b40d6ea35539ae5a2ed01a843fd8 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ubee9b40d6ea35539ae5a2ed01a843fd8 .ubee9b40d6ea35539ae5a2ed01a843fd8-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ubee9b40d6ea35539ae5a2ed01a843fd8:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Sun and The Moon script EssayBased on the instrument choice and the soft vocals, the listener can assume this will be a depressing song. Then when the drums kicks in with the piano towards the middle of the song, the listener begins to feel an upbeat and determined side of the song, because drums kind of always go along with upbeat moments in songs or just plain determination felt by the beat of the drum and the intensity of this particular instrument. The lyrics alone in this song send out such a powerful message, but without the music behind them, the listener does not get the full affect. The way Spencer Fort uses the instrumentals to enhance the lyrics is by using beats and sounds that compliment the ideas of consistency and angst found in the lyrics. Spencer truly accomplishes what he is trying to portray with this song through both the powerful lyrics and complimentary instrumentals.
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